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The Future Of Film Distribution
The FilmPod & the MRT revolutionize the industry for independent filmmakers
The Future Of Film Distribution
December 2023, The IPG Newslette5
Season’s Greetings!
“If you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else.” - Toni Morrison, Nobel Laureate.
For myself and on behalf of the IPG, I wish everyone a joyous and fulfilling holiday season! As 2023 draws to a close, we all have been looking forward to positive change in our own lives, and across the world. I know I am, but I can say for sure that I, and most everyone I speak to these days can feel a change in the energies, in the wind, so to speak, and that it is a hopeful, uplifting and positive thing we are all sensing.
On that note, I have news for the IPG members and the filmmaking community across the world!
The FilmPod & The Media Royalty Token Launch!
The industry & public-facing evolution of the IPG’s Direct To Audience Initiative, which we have been updating you about for years now, have formally launched!
We are crowd-sourcing distribution and monetization, and giving independent filmmakers direct access to a global audience!
The Media Royalty Token (MRT) is a non-fungible token, to be built on the Tezos blockchain. It is a smart contract which tracks streams of FilmPod titles, tracks and splits the monetization of that stream, and automatically credits both producer/filmmaker and licensor.
The FilmPod is a hub that allows the producer/filmmaker to access and market to a world-wide audience. It contains promotional tools up to now only available to major platforms, including statistical analysis, tracking of views, and the ability to interact and incentivize audience to generate the word-of-mouth and usually only follows a theatrical run. It also allows audience to watch your movie through the FilmPod app itself, or can link to it wherever it streams!
The interaction between the FilmPod and MRT allow you direct access to a global market, without paying parasitic middle-actors or giving up the lion’s share of your income to a distributor. At the same time, it allows you do deal with any distributor who will put more money in your pocket.
Every IPG member will automatically get one FilmPod listing, which will help them develop, brand and even finance their project. Of course, it will also distribute, at the producer’s option, through the FilmPod system, and generate income tracked by the MRT.
The MRT Affiliate Program is also launching! Register there to help promote this important initiative! The top 600 affiliates will receive an MRT White List spot (being able to purchase MRT’s earlier and deeply discounted over the rest of the public). They may also become entitled to monetary compensation!
See the FilmPod details, learn about the affiliate program, and read the MRT White Paper at producersportal.com!
FilmPod Alpha Is Here - Why You Should Get Involved NOW!
While IPG members will get their first FilmPod without charge (they will come at a cost at some point), you must apply for the FilmPod Alpha program. The FilmPod Alpha program is the very early development stage of the FilmPod app.
FilmPod Alpha participants will put time into helping us develop and test the practicality of the FilmPod tools and app. They will have a direct hand in shaping how the FilmPod works for the filmmaker and for the audience. Most FilmPod Alpha member’s involvement will be in questionnaires and feedback.
In return for their participation, the FilmPod Alpha participant will receive free one MRT, which permits them to stream and monetize their own or another title (thus keeping the “streamer” fee as well as the producer fee), and will be able to register future FilmPod titles without charge, even when the FilmPod begins to charge for the service. As well, they will be listed in the FilmPod Alpha program and receive priority discounts and other perks - all forever.
(The eventual fees charged for FilmPods will be to cover the administrative overhead of the IPG. They are not intended to become a profit center.)
Want To Know More? Information Seminars Upcoming!
The following seminars have been scheduled:
FilmPod/MRT Information: December 20 2023 and January 6, 2024 at 11am Pacific.
The Future Of Film For Independents - January 13, 2024 at 5pm GMT / 9am Pacific - This online stream by Shadow Dragu-Mihai (Executive Director), Dano Veal (IPG Director and FlmPod/MRT Team Leader) and Leigh Ariana Trifari (IPG Executive Director for UK/EU) premieres the IPG YouTube presence with prepared presentations and live chat.
2024 Plans!
As 2024 fast approaches, the IPG has big plans, as you can see! But we’re not stopping with the FilmPod and MRT!
What are your plans for the next year? Would you consider being more involved with the IPG? We could use your help and you can have a direct and lasting impact on the future of filmmaking! Your your own stamp on the industry!
Our plans, aside from the FilmPod/MRT include the following:
Outreach Program Established. Steve Taylor, the IPG’s new Outreach Coordinator has plans for ongoing networking and social events in the coming year. We did try desperately to organize our first Cinema Wine Mixer in the fall of 2023, but events interrupted our efforts. We intend 2024 to be a year of growth, rising profile, and increasing industry relevance.
If you have wanted to be an active part of the IPG, now is the time! The IPG will always have room for empowered people to make their mark, but the real ground floor is now.
On our agenda for the coming year:
Continued development of the Virtual Theatrical Program, encompassing a skills development section and promoting new filmmakers/creators. The Virtual Theatrical Program is headed by Shadow Dragu-Mihai in consultation with writer/director/producer Joey Madia and Tailor Living Charities. Alex Moreno, IPG member, will be taking on the function of grant writer and possibly financial administrator in 2024. Alex established the FLOW educational program in Florida and is now working on expanding it throughout the United States and internationally.
Mentorship Program formalized
Pension & Health Plans, and Insurance Plans for IPG and other independent filmmakers.
Lobbying local, state, and federal legislators for regulation and legal treatment advantageous to the independent film industry
The Second Edition, Revised, of the IPG Members Handbook (which will include expanded safety sections and address more closely the issues of AI, which are already in the current version).
The resumption of periodic Industry discussions, under the Chatham House Rule. These very successful events permit the open discussion and debate of issues which affect us all, and permit the use of all discussions, without fear of reprisal by industry or individuals. Chatham House Rule encourages honest and complete debate, but does not permit the identification of any participant during or after the event. The transcripts, expunged of information which could identify any individual, are always published and may be used by anyone.
The formal establishment of the UK/EU office and of the Canadian office.