IPG Set For 2024!

IPG Expands, Leadership, Updates!

IPG January - February 2024 News!


In this newsletter:

  • Looking Forward to 2024!

  • IPG 2024 Expansion

  • IPG 2024 Team

  • Your Impact, Your Opportunity, Your Industry

  • FilmPods / MRTs - Update

  • Virtual Theatrical - Update

  • Funding & Distribution Board - New Panel

  • IPG Needs


The IPG, is achieving an ever-higher public profile, despite our small size. Awareness of the Guild is growing internationally. The consistent effort and vision of our growing leadership makes this possible. Having stabilized now and well into our third year of operations, the IPG is aiming for exponential growth in membership in 2024.

 Those of us who are members today, whether we have been active or sustaining, can expect to have a growing influence over the direction the Guild takes, and its impact on the film industry.

 Our vision remains, and always will remain, to serve the interests of independent film creators. But remember that is a global mission, and part of that is the replacement of major corporate studio power with that of the independent film community. This is more than possible: the mainstream industry continues to struggle - and continues to fail - to come to terms with advancements in technology and the evolution of audience preferences. As in the first decades of film, the independent film creator is rising in importance and power. The age of the independents is here again and it may not go away.

 You, as a member of the IPG, have a unique opportunity to take part in this global shift in your industry. You have the opportunity to take advantage for your own benefit and the benefit of others. You have the chance to affect the industry in a direct way. You can support the IPG financially or through your active participation in its various initiatives. You can originate and promote a program you think the film-making landscape needs. You will have an impact.


The IPG vision is, like its membership, international. In 2024, we are creating two new sub-sections within the IPG. The EU/UK and Canada.

 IPG UK/EU - Since the beginning, we have had members in the United Kingdom, and lots of interest in the EU. In 2024, we are formalizing this. The UK/EU film community has a lot of commonality with the North American industry, but there are also some significant and sometimes subtle differences in their industry concerns. Legal and industry history, cultural evolution, local politics and economics are different. So that the Guild can be relevant and useful to these film creators, we do need to establish local leadership. Therefore, Leigh Ariana Trifari, who has been our informal Executive Director in the UK and EU, is formally appointed to that position. Leigh’s mandate is to establish, by end of 2024, a locally autonomous IPG office. This will permit the Guild to address local industry concerns, coordinate where international efforts are useful, and to get our members ahead of the growing trend in international co-production and cooperation.

 IPG Canada - The Canadian film industry has a culture and set of issues which are much more similar to the US than those of UK/EU filmmakers. At the same time, there are regional and legal differences which call for local Canadian-focused representation. Accordingly, we are establishing a Canadian subsection of the IPG. The Canadian subsection is headed by Chris Griffin, who writes the Angry Bear Blog featured on ProducersPortal.com. The Canadian Subsection in 2024 will remain administered by the IPG central office. We hope that the growth of the Guild will demand an autonomous Canadian presence by end of 2025.

 These moves are to facilitate overall coordination of IPG mission and goals, while serving local film creator interests.

 It should be obvious to you that this will also set the IPG above and beyond other organizations and groups of producers. As a Guild, as a group, our members will be exposed to more international opportunities and industry contacts. IPG members will become known and sought out for international and transnational productions.

 IPG 2024 TEAM

The IPG Leadership has expanded for 2024. The following are IPG members in good standing, who are all working on various initiatives:

  •  Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq. - IPG Executive Director

  • Leigh Ariana Trifari - IPG Executive Director UK/EU

  • Diamond Monique Washington - IPG Virtual Theatrical Creative Director

  • Earl Hundt - IPG Director Emeritus

  • Chris Griffin - IPG Canada Representative

  • Steve Taylor - IPG Networking Coordinator

  • Dano Veal - IPG Vice President, Direct To Audience Initiative (FilmPods/MRTs)

  • Alex Moreno - IPG Virtual Theatrical Funding Manager

  • Barbara Bullen - IPG & Virtual Theatrical General Manager

You should get to know these people. They are all talented, empowered film professionals, and they are changing the industry. They have all been very active over 2023, helping to develop the IPG initiatives. Without their vision as individuals, without their active support, the IPG would not be where it is today. I thank them here and now for their past, present and expected support and participation.

Every person on this team exemplifies the kind of person that the IPG seeks to work with, seeks to assist, and seeks to cultivate in our industry: empowered individuals who insist on following their chosen path, and who help others to do the same.

I will also add the every one of them can assist outside productions - some in directing, some in producing or line producing or production consulting. When you are looking for producers, consultants or crew, look at the IPG membership first!


As a member of the Guild, your financial and moral support makes a difference to all of us, and to all other members. Our leadership team takes initiative, and they therefore have a profound and personal impact on the Guild, and by extension, the industry. As your circumstances allow, I encourage you to take control of your projects, and to avail yourself of the opportunity you have to affect the industry through the IPG. This is YOUR industry, and you have the power to make yourself heard.


The FilmPod and Media Toyalty Token (MRT) platform continues to develop on schedule. For those who are unfamiliar or need refreshing, find out information at producersportal.com. There is a very limited time for you to get involved with this program as participant, purchaser, investor or otherwise.

Yes - IPG members will all have a FilmPod, with basic fees waived, for their film title.

No - IPG members are NOT automatically part of the FilmPod Alpha Program unless they specifically apply before FilmPod Alpha memberships close. The Alpha members will assist with feedback and beta testing as the FilmPod/MRT platform rolls out. In return, they will receive a free MRT and all FilmPod fees will be waiver forever into the future.


The Virtual Theatrical program will establish new frontiers in film & multi-media production. The VT program combines live theatre, motion picture and new production techniques. It is aimed at a wide, contemporary audience and involves both immersive and interactive elements. The VT program has been an initiative of the IPG since day one, and we are optimistic that our first full season of 4 to 6 productions can begin in the fall of 2024.

 The VT program also includes a skills development mission. Every production will be used to train aspiring film producers, production coordinators & managers and other crew in the vital processes and skills they need to succeed in production. The program is sponsored by 501(c)(3) Tailor Living Charities - tailorlivingcharities.org.

Diamond Monique Washington of Diamond’s Dark House is the Creative Director of the Virtual Theatrical Program; Alex Moreno who is the visionary behind the rapidly expanding F.L.O.W. program in Florida, is the Virtual Theatrical Funding Manager; Shadow Dragu-Mihai is the Virtual Theatrical Executive Producer and we have as outside immersive theatre consultant, Joey Madia. We are developing an exciting line-up of productions!

 For more information, to get involved, and to see how you can support the VT program with sponsorships or otherwise, contact Shadow through Barbara Bullen, at the bottom of this newsletter.


We are announcing the formation of the IPG Funding & Distribution Board. We are seeking members who want to be involved in an active capacity on the board.

 The initial mandate of the board will be to accumulate current data on distribution channels, as well as sales representatives and distributors. This would include analysis of their various contracts, payment structures, and more. Then, the board will organize and make the information available to IPG members. The data will form the basis of a realistic set of legal, contractual and financial recommendations for distribution arrangements for the benefit of IPG members. Finally, the board will facilitate the advancement of the FilmPod and MRT program into established distribution networks. The board will also produce IPG approved distribution and licensing agreement templates and checklists for the use of members and the independent producing community.

 This will give the Guild growing influence over professional ethics in distribution. Our aim, as always, is to shift the balance of power into the hands of the independent film creator, and away from the distributors and gatekeepers who control our access to audience for their own benefit.


We are, to date, still an all-volunteer organization. Some of us invest extensive financial resources into the Guild as well as copious amounts of time. If you are able to be active, there is always a place for you. If you are not able to be active, but can support the Guild or one of its initiates financially or with other resources, we can guarantee your assistance will not be wasted! Some of the requirements we have this year include:

  •  financial resources generally

  • financial resources (Virtual Theatrical - tax deductions can be arranged)

  • production equipment - for the developing skills development program

  • seminar teachers - for various production related topics

  • central office space

  • sound stage / theatrical space - for the VT program and seminars

  • pension & health manager - to help develop this program for the Guild

 Think the Guild might be able to benefit from something you can contribute? Contact Barbara Bullen at [email protected]