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Program Updates!
March 2024 IPG Update
In this newsletter:
Virtual Theatrical News!
IPG 2024 Expansion Updates
IPG 2024 Team Updates
Your Impact, Your Opportunity, Your Industry
Funding & Distribution Updates
Industry Services & Education Coming Online!
IPG Members Handbook 2024 Coming!
IPG Needs
YOU might be right for the Virtual Theatrical Program!
The VT program combines live theatre, motion picture and new production techniques, and is developing a film production skills development program. Virtual Theatrical is aimed at a wide, contemporary audience and involves both immersive and interactive elements.
The VT program will shortly be open for new scripts and for applications for the skills development program. Stay tuned at virtualtheatrical.com (the website is up and in development at this time).
As part of its skills development mission, every Virtual Theatrical production will have positions open to train aspiring film producers, production coordinators & managers and other crew.
The program is done in cooperation with 501(c)(3) Stage And Screen Innovations (formerly Tailor Living Charities, still at tailorlivingcharities.org), as the program’s “fiscal sponsor.” This permits the issuance of tax-deductible receipts for donations to the program. Tailor Living Charities will shortly be replaced
Diamond Monique Washington of Diamond’s Dark House is the Creative Director of the Virtual Theatrical Program; Alex Moreno, who is the visionary behind the rapidly expanding F.L.O.W. program in Florida, is the Virtual Theatrical Funding Manager; Shadow Dragu-Mihai is the Virtual Theatrical Executive Producer and we have as outside immersive theatre consultant, Joey Madia. We are developing an exciting line-up of productions!
YOU should get involved in this cutting edge initiative! For more information contact Shadow through IPG General Manager Barbara Bullen, at the bottom of this newsletter.
IPG UK/EU DIVISION- Is now formally established. The UK/EU Division is headed by Leigh Ariana Trifari, who has been our informal Executive Director in the UK and EU. Leigh’s mandate is to establish, by end of 2024, a locally autonomous IPG office. This will permit the Guild to address local industry concerns, coordinate where international efforts are useful, and to get our members ahead of the growing trend in international co-production and cooperation.
IPG CANADA DIVISION - Discussions with potential funders and other industry has led the IPG, for the moment, to table the creation of a formal Canadian Division. The feelings are that, given industry distribution, administration and communication is easiest through the Los Angeles office.
Canadian independent industry is, currently and for the foreseeable future, dependent on government program funding. Historically, there is very little private investment or non-government institutional funding for film in Canada. The recent and expected enactment of legislation creating controls over press and media expression are effectively, and likely permanently, stifling the scope for freedom of speech in Canada. Further, the government has effectively established filters over what Canadians can see from both domestic and international news and entertainment. Therefore, before expanding into the Canadian environment formally, the IPG will carefully consider the political environment for creative film industry.
Current active leadership and updates:
Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq. - IPG Executive Director
Leigh Ariana Trifari - IPG Executive Director UK/EU
Diamond Monique Washington - IPG Virtual Theatrical Creative Director
Earl Hundt - IPG Director Emeritus, a founding member, is inactive on permanent medical leave, effective December 2023
Chris Griffin - for personal reasons has withdrawn from active leadership, effective immediately
Steve Taylor - IPG Networking Coordinator
Dano Veal - IPG Vice President, Direct To Audience Initiative (FilmPods/MRTs)
Alex Moreno - IPG Virtual Theatrical Funding Manager
Barbara Bullen - IPG & Virtual Theatrical General Manager
You should get to know these people. They are all talented, empowered film professionals, and they are changing the industry. They have all been very active over 2023, helping to develop the IPG initiatives. Without their vision as individuals, without their active support, the IPG would not be where it is today. I thank them here and now for their past, present and expected support and participation.
When YOU take an active part in IPG programs, YOU have the opportunity to make your own direct impact on the industry! As a member of the Guild, your financial and moral support makes a difference to all of us, and to all other members. Our leadership team takes initiative, and they therefore have a profound and personal impact on the Guild, and by extension, the industry. As your circumstances allow, I encourage you to take control of your projects, and to avail yourself of the opportunity you have to affect the industry through the IPG. This is YOUR industry, and you have the power to make yourself heard.
The IPG is now in discussions with third parties, exploring the launch of our own crowdfunding platform and our own Regulation CF platform. Both will, naturally, be dedicated to the development and funding of independent film projects.
The FilmPod and Media Toyalty Token (MRT) platform continues to develop on schedule. For those who are unfamiliar or need refreshing, find out information at producersportal.com. There is a very limited time for you to get involved with this program as participant, purchaser, investor or otherwise.
Yes - All IPG members will all have, on application, a FilmPod, with basic fees waived, for their film title.
No - IPG members are NOT automatically part of the FilmPod Alpha Program unless they specifically apply before FilmPod Alpha memberships close. The Alpha members will assist with feedback and beta testing as the FilmPod/MRT platform rolls out. In return, they will receive a free MRT and all FilmPod fees will be waiver forever into the future.
The IPG mandate has always been to help the independent industry professionalize and gather the skills they need to succeed. Now, we are integrating a services portal on the producersportal.com website.
The portal will offer production-related services most sought after by independent filmmakers, at costs less than the “going rate” on retail sites such as slated.com. All services are to be offered by IPG members, or otherwise approved by the IPG.
Additionally, seminars and workshops aimed at developing the skills of the independent creator will be instituted.
While the IPG naturally focuses on producing and production management, we will be including writers education and services in the new program. The writers program is being developed in cooperation with Joey Madia, whose book on story development, “Every Day Is A Story All It’s Own,” was published last week and hit the top 10 on Amazon in the “play and scriptwriting” section, and #12 in “stagecraft” within 48 hours.
Joey Madia has been a collaborator with Shadow Dragu-Mihai in the ongoing development of the Virtual Theatrical concept for several years. His play Three Gothic Doctors And Their Sons is slated to be the second VT production to be produced in the program. Joey will be directing that production.
The IPG Member Handbook is being updated and greatly expanded for 2024. The IPG Members Handbook is intended to be a guide for filmmakers the world over.
The handbook is the first, and still the only, best practices guide for independent film created in the world. It contains ethical guidelines and production procedures in many areas, applicable to any film production from short and zero budget through mega-budgets.
Some of the practices are reflected in union contracts. However, those union practices have to do with working conditions, not “best practices” for producers. As such, they are not focused on what is feasible or efficacious. The members handbook stipulates these as best practices, with a view to managing a production properly and getting the best out of a crew (which should be kept happy).
The new version will have expanded sections on AI (which the first version already addresses) and safety, and will contain numerous production checklists and templates for forms and IPG approved contracts.
PLEASE if you think something should be addressed in the IPG Members Handbook, which will be useful to filmmakers in general, submit your idea or comment to Shadow Dragu-Mihai, through Barbara Bullen below. Do it NOW please - or it will likely have to wait at least another 12 months for the next revision.
We are, to date, still an all-volunteer organization. Some of us invest extensive financial resources into the Guild as well as copious amounts of time. If you are able to be active, there is always a place for you. If you are not able to be active, but can support the Guild or one of its initiates financially or with other resources, we can guarantee your assistance will not be wasted! Some of the requirements we have this year include:
financial resources generally
financial resources (Virtual Theatrical - tax deductions can be arranged)
production equipment - for the developing skills development program
seminar teachers - for various production related topics
central office space
sound stage / theatrical space - for the VT program and seminars
pension & health manager - to help develop this program for the Guild
Think the Guild might be able to benefit from something you can contribute? Contact Barbara Bullen at [email protected]