WINS meeting & SSI Open House!

Just a very short newsletter for you all!
Monthly WINS writers meet is October 28, 2024, at 7pm EST, 4pm Pacific, on Zoom.

Several IPG members are active in the WINS meets, and all are welcome to attend.

This month, the topic is Writing on Commission for a producer: process, tips and legal aspects!

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq. IPG will present with Guest Speaker Diamond Monique Washington IPG. Diamond is the Artistic Director of Stage and Screen Innovations (SSI). She is one of the visionary architects of the Virtual Theatrical arts initiative, and the PUNC producers skills development program undertaken by SSI and overseen by the IPG. Diamond will share her experience and have some practical advice.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq. IPG will also address contractual, legal, copyright considerations for writing on commission.

Attendance is free! For the zoom link, contact Shadow directly at [email protected]!

Attend & Present at Stage And Screen Innovations Online Open House!

The SSI Open house will take place at the beginning of December, 2024, dates TBA. The event will be a week-long, 2 hour a day online presentation. We will be highlighting the Stage And Screen Innovations programs - Virtual Theatrical and PUNC, and the IPG. We also want to have some presentations for filmmakers, and an opportunity to IPG members to talk about their projects, and network.

YOU are encouraged to attend, of course! More than that, we welcome you if you have a topic to discuss, or want an opportunity to speak about what you do and your current projects. Contact Shadow at [email protected] to discuss.

YOU CAN HELP US GET THE WORD OUT. Please volunteer to help post social media, make a couple calls, speak to potential sponsors, etc. You need not commit to a million hours a week! But IPG members all have industry contacts, and your support of the IPG is very, very valuable, even with a couple calls or posts. Of course, donations to SSI’s initiatives also gets you a tax-deductible receipt!